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A consistent implementation of community, cycles and economy.

Large household in 9 residential units. Each residential unit consists of 1-2 rooms and a bathroom. The living and dining room and a utility room on the first floor, the entire top floor, a bathroom with sauna, a vegetable cellar and the garden are available for communal use.

Floor plans with price, area and material details

Approximative Preise, inklusive Anteil Gemeinräume, exklusive Nebenkosten


F: Tiles
W: Clay
C: Clay

Cooking & Eating

73 m²
F: Solid wood floor

W: Clay
C: Clay

F: Solid wood floor
W: Clay
C: Clay

Living studio GF east

29.1 m² - CHF 1’489.-

B: Parquet floor
W: Clay
D: Clay

B: Stone

Living studio GF south

21.2 m² - CHF 1’299.-

F: Solid wood floor

W: Clay
C: Spruce coffered ceiling, painted


F: Stone
W: Clay
C: Clay

Ground Floor

Second floor

Living studio SF north

47.9 m² - CHF 1’939.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Panels
C: Panels

B: Stone
W: Clay
D: Panels

Living studio SF west

49.7 m² - CHF 1’979.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Panels
C: Spruce coffered ceiling, painted

B: Stone
W: Clay
D: Panels

Living studio SF south

28.9 m² - CHF 1’479.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Panels
C: Spruce coffered ceiling, painted

F: Stone
W: Clay
C: Panels

Living studio SF east

37.5 m² - CHF 1’689.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Panels
C: Panels

F: Stone
W: Clay
C: Panels


Living studio TF north

31.6 m² - CHF 1’549.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Clay
C: Panels

F: Tiles
W: Clay
C: Panels

Living studio TF west

44.4 m² - CHF 1’859.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Clay
C: Panels

F: Tiles
W: Clay
C: Panels

Living studio TF south

31.2 m² - CHF 1’539.-

F: Solid wood floor
W: Clay
C: Panels

B: Tiles
W: Clay
C: Panels

TF Bathroom/Sauna

10 m²

F: Tiles
W: Clay
C: Panels

Top floor

Top floor 2

Common room TF 2

96.7 m²

F: Solid wood floor
W: Clay
C: Panels

Basement floor

Cellar compartments for ground floor + second floor

F: Cement
W: Lime sand brick

Pelett heating

Natural cellar

Access from kitchen

Basement floor